TBT: Reclaimed Wood California Sign

Today I want to talk about one of my projects from this past summer- a California sign made out of reclaimed wood.

california sign over sinkFor this California sign I used more of the same wood from my grandparents’ cabin that I used to make my bench.  Some of it has the green color, some is painted brown, but most of the pieces I chose for this project were left the natural redwood. Continue reading

TBT: Cabin Wood Bench

Hi!  I’ve decided to create a new column here on StateStreetGreen where I will present my past projects.  It won’t be the same format as my DIY column because I won’t be giving step-by-step instructions.  Instead, its just a way to display some of the things I’ve made.  I’m calling this column TBT which stands for “Throw Back Thursday”.  TBT is a popular idea on social media sites- people post old pictures with the hashtag #TBT.

I chose my first TBT project because it is the background of my blog header and the first thing anyone sees when they come here. It’s actually a bench at my kitchen table.

IMG_2229 Continue reading